Liberals advocate compassion and understanding with regards to punishing criminals whereas conservatives believe in strict application of the law. If the laws do not offer a fair and reasonable punishment, then they revise the laws. Liberals desire cradle-to-grave care for our citizenry and being responsible for overseeing their care. Conservatives on the other hand believe in the purpose of our Constitution is for everyone to have equal opportunity to achieve or fail to achieve their goal.
This has been the basic and distinctive trait of this country compared to other European socialistic countries. The majority of technological and scientific advancement has been by those citizens in a representative form of government like the United states. When a government attempts to control or handle its citizenry to achieve a predefined agenda, it stifles the human spirit. Liberals assume those individuals dependent on drugs require understanding or be permitted to use them as much as they require.
As such, Conservatives demand that America invest less on the results of human weaknesses and foibles, whereas Liberals usually demand that we invest much more. Conservatives would say that they?re expecting individuals to live up to a certain standard, and don?t want to make it simpler for that standard to be missed.
Does anyone seriously think that the New York Times might endorse the Republican presidential candidate this year? Anybody buy the notion that Rush Limbaugh might demand four more years for Barack Obama? The myth of journalistic integrity seemed to really take off after Richard Nixon was forced to resign.
Which to my mind paints the Conservatives as idealists, and Liberals as the pragmatists.? I am absolutely a fan of individual responsibility. Each and every person must face him or herself in the mirror and own what he has done or failed to do.? But the simple truth is that we will all fail.
If you doubt this fact, consider this comparison in giving. The richest liberals in government gave less than 1 percent of their income to charity while Republicans gave upwards of ten percent of their income to charity. Liberals advocate those individuals without a job should not have a time limit on drawing unemployment and welfare .
They believe a person on welfare should be entitled to own a home using part of their welfare funds. Conservatives advocate a strong policy of work ethics raises the human spirit and provides a path towards a goal of economic freedom.
Rather than punish people for not achieving an impossible standard ? with the? pie-in-the-sky assumption, despite every moment of human history proving otherwise, that people can, in fact, permanently achieve that standard ? Liberals would like to acknowledge our limitations and plan for them in advance.
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